qse  0.5.4
QSE - an EXAFS Data Viewer and Averager for Spec Data Files

Version 0.5.4

Guy Jennings
Structural Science Group
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
jennings at anl.gov

QSE is an application intended to help in the initial stages of data reduction of EXAFS data taken with multi-element detectors using the 'Spec' data acquisition system.

The program allows you to read in a data file, decide which scans to use and which data columns to use from each scan, add together and normalize the data from individual detector elements and average together groups of scans. Data at various stages of processing may be displayed, printed and/or saved in new data files.

Downloads and more information are available from the QSE developer page https://sourceforge.net/projects/qse

Getting Started
User Manual


QSE is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

Supported Platforms

QSE has been written requiring the Qt Library (version >= 4.2) and the Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications (version >= 5.0) It has been successfully built for the Gnu/Linux system, Macintosh OS X (both Carbon and fink/X11) and Microsoft Windows. Installation instructions will be given for each platform.

Binary Installation for X11 on Fedora Linux
Binary Installation on Windows
Binary Installation on Macintosh OS X
Installation for X11 on Macintosh OS X
Release Notes