To install QSE for a macintosh system with the 'fink' system installed you must first install the qt4 and qwt libraries that QSE uses. The qt4 libraries are available as part of the standard fink package collection but you must install a version of the qwt libraries which is compiled for the qt4 libraries.
To install the qt4 libraries type:
This should compile and install the necessary libraries. (It may take quite a long time to compile the libraries).
Then you need to install qwt: you can either compile it directly or download a pre-compiled package.
To compile:
Download the files qwt-qt4.info and qwt-qt4.patch and place them both in the directory /sw/fink/10.4/local/main/finkinfo/ (you may need to create this directory if it does not exist already).
Then type:
This should download, compile, and install the qwt libraries.
Alternatively, you can install the pre-compiled package directly. You need to download the package matching your CPU architecture.
PowerPC: qwt-qt4-shlibs_5.0.0rc1-1_darwin-powerpc.deb
Intel: qwt-qt4-shlibs_5.0.0rc1-1_darwin-i386.deb
Install the package by typing:
Finally you must download the qse package.
PowerPC: qse_0.5.4-1_darwin-powerpc.deb
Intel: qse_0.5.4-1_darwin-i386.deb
Then install QSE by typing
Run QSE by typing: